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Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Lulzsec Strike Again

              _.--| LOL |:                    
   The               ;..__..'    _...         
    Lulz           ,'/  ;|/..--''    \        
     Boat        ,'_/.-/':            :       
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      ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~                   
So internet hacktivists have struck again, this time to the website of UK tabloid The Sun. To begin with, visitors to the website were redirected to a webpage with a hoax story that said Rupert Murdoch had been found dead in his garden. Later they were redirected to the group's twitter page. I wonder what will happen next, seeing as Lulzsec were meant to have disbanded a few weeks back...


  1. i keep hearing about these guys in the news, they sound dangerous i wonder where they came from

  2. haha thats great. looks legit too

  3. I heard all they do is DDoS sites, and not really hack them. DDoS's can be performed by pretty much anyone.

  4. I hope they are back, they make things so much more interesting.

  5. hahaha thats great! i approve it

  6. Viva la Revolution.(not really)
    I just really like what they're doing

  7. It's a damn shame it wasn't true. I'm glad I wasn't looking at the site earlier or I'd be so depressed right now to learn it was a h4xx0r

  8. lulzsec is actually doing more harm for their own cause. although antisec i support, lulz just seems to be a bunch of bored teens. if they can do this kind of damage imagine what the could do for good.

  9. dude idk if you heard but a bunch of anonymous from CA to NY were busted by FBI and arrested for the DDOS of visa and mastercard. damn government trying to work with corporations to fuck over wikileaks….makes my blood boil

  10. lulzsec hacking someone who needed to be hacked well done xD

  11. I think it was something of an amusing prank given that Murdoch is in trouble because of his newspaper hacking phones, and now his newspaper got hacked. How ironic.

  12. seems to be more then 1 guy then.

  13. I heard that they had shutdown :/
