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Monday, 28 November 2011

My Tram Experience (Explicit)

So this surfaced yesterday. Makes me sick to think someone like this exists.

WARNING - This video has explicit language throughout:

The BTP (British Transport Police) tonight said on their Twitter account: "We've arrested a 34yo woman for racially aggravated public order offence as a result of #mytramexperience video brought to our attn."

Read more:

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Thursday, 10 November 2011



Anyone know what I should do? I think I can safely say this is VERY annoying....

Something New

Im trying out a new layout....not entirely sure if i like this one or not.

What do you think?

Yay or nay?

If nay, what type of layout do you think would suit this kind of blog?

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Do A Barrel Roll

Go to Google’s homepage. Type in the words “Do a barrel roll.” Click Enter.

(Brief pause while you try it. Then please come back.)

Whatcha think?

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

That's just PLANE annoying...

I dunno about you guys, but whenever I fly I ALWAYS get lumped with the weirdos. I look down the plane and see normal people, but I look left and right and almost cry.

I think this picture explains what I mean:

Wednesday, 2 November 2011


RIGHT! Now that I have your attention, I am looking at re branding my blog. I dont particularly like "Another-Annoyance" and would like something more catchier. However, I dont have any ideas yet.

So I thought I would open it up to you, the people who read my blog! I was thinking of running this as a competition, where people can submit their entries, and then I chose the top15 or so and people then have to vote for them! Winner gets....hmmm I dont know yet, I will have to think about that!